Good IAQ demands innovation, and generally speaking, the industry has made significant strides towards enhancing the airside systems, with the baseline being enhancing the indoor air quality.
For instance, to hands-on tackle dust, allergens, odours, mould and other organisms, Lamis Harib, Marketing Director and Partner, Ecabiotec Middle East Manufacturing, says her company has developed a solution, Anosan Eco, which ruptures the inner and outer membrane of all unicellular germs, including bacteria, viruses, unicellular fungi and spores.
The solution also suppresses dust, allergens and odours. The active property in the solution is a stable charge in the product, high oxidation, stabilised in 99% activated water, and can be used in multiple applications, such as warehouses, homes and even in vehicles.
Harib further adds: “The solution by itself is a high-grade disinfectant and deodoriser, which is safe to inhale and leaves no residue. The product line has been tested according to the highest EN and DIN certifications and the German Society for Hygiene and Microbiology.